Saturday, September 29, 2007


Those sure were crazy times!! Yup, thanks Junxian and Weijie for keeping me sane when the children were driving me crazy in the beginning. I’m always fascinated by how the children seem to be able to connect with you. You guys sure have a way with them!

The first year I joined, it was tough. Couldn’t really make any friends as there weren’t orientation sessions (you guys are so lucky now) and I was a real introvert freshie. Thank goodness for the support of JX and WJ!

I was greatly encouraged by the intake of the volunteers during the subsequent years. Their enthusiasm and love for the children is simply uplifting and contagious! Always ready to give a few hours of their precious time to organize and participate in the various lifeskills, outings and camp. Your dedication and time has certainly brought much cheer and hope to the children. =)

Anyway, I’d like to take the chance to thank Darren for joining FOC. Although I always complain about you and how our frequencies fail to match, you know I love you right? Haha.. (hey, I’m straight ok) Your leadership helped us achieve the RSP status we’ve been fighting for so long. Great work dude!

I’m privileged to be able to make several friends in this club. Thanks to the Viriya staff and all in RSPFOC who’ve helped me one way or another. And finally to Aditya, everyone in the new committee and volunteers… I know RSPFOC is in good hands. Let’s keep the passion and love for the children burning! YES!! The children need you!!!

- Sebastian

Friday, September 28, 2007

FOC and me

I've often been asked this question of how Friends Of Children (FOC) came to be...
Today, let's take a trip down memory lane

Let's see...
Back in spring 2003, I was a spunky young lad, just walking around looking at girls and minding my own business.
Up comes one of my pretty classmates, and she asks if I would be interested in some volunteer work - giving free tuition to kids, being the slacky guy I am, I politely turned her down...

She looked at me with puppy eyes and uttered the one single statement that has kept me tied to FOC for 4 long years... "Junxian, the children need you... "

That my dears, is why I'm still in FOC.

In summer 2003, FOC was initiated by Leslie (pardon.. forgot his last name).
There were 15 of us in the pioneer batch and we were part of RSP Elders. At that time, we were considered an ad-hoc project, meaning that we were not expected carry it on indefinitely.

By the end of the first month, we had something like 8 of the original 15 left.
By winter 2003, Leslie decided to hand things over to me, and went on his IA, members left from the original 15 are Weijie, Shuling and me.

Between spring 2004 and summer, we had a few other ppl coming in and going out...
Fall 2004, new recruitment.
Summer 2005, left with 16.
Summer 2006 finally handed co-ordinator role to Darren. Started the new year with 30 volunteers.

FOC was promoted from special project to full RSP, mile stone.
Summber 2007, co-ordinator-ship was passed to current co-ordinator Aditiya, and it has become what we are seeing today.

The road has been rocky and many times it was almost given up. We are still very young as a RSP, having only 1 year of experience with our RSP status as of 2007. It will take some time before we become fully functional and experienced as a family and start expanding and taking up roles that are expected of us.

I know that throughout FOC's journey, numerous kindred spirits have given me invaluable assistance,
be it offering to help me man the recruitment booth,
helping to cheer for me during the welcome tea,
lending a hand in helping me to propose and second during AGMs,
being there for me when things get ugly and backing me up in numerous occasions.

Taking this chance, I'd like to introduce everyone to Yeok Hui (left) and Grace (right), the two previous co-ordinators of RSP HI.

Thanks for all the help, encouragement and support you've given to FOC. To the rest of RSP HI, who've been so ready to lend a voice, thanks.

To Pearly, who from Hon Gen to VP, gave me encouragement during those needed times, thank you.

Throughout FOC's years, there have been many amazing volunteers, a few o them still with FOC now though some have gone off due to time constraints.

Sebastian, thanks for standing by FOC all this time and for accompanying me to all those AGMS and welcome teas.
Qiwei, for quietly supporting our thursday programme by yourself all this time, sorry that I've always neglected you.
Some of your names I've managed to forget.. but I want you guys to know, I appreciate all that you've put in for FOC, sorry if I've not been very supportive to everyone.

Let's hope with the passing of every year, the number of children that we help multiplies.
Remember - *with puppy eyes*
"The children need you"


Monday, September 24, 2007

Invitation to Orientation

On a totally unrelated note, I realised that some of the people who had wanted to come to the first ever FOC orientation might have been scared off by the email I sent to notify them - attached below:

Dear future colleagues,
hello and a very warm welcome to our family

This is Chin Sien, together with Aditiya, we shall be your OGL this saturday.If by chance I have mis-mailed anyone, please do let me know.
This is a brief outline of what we shall be doing this sat
1) Participants are to arrive at 930 for attendance taking. ( late comers will have to sing and dance for everyone else )
2) Lunch will be at 1330 at can 1 or 2. ( Please bring along enough cash so that you can treat Aditiya and me to drinks)
3) we will be finishing at tentatively 1830.

everything in between the given timings will be tough exercises, such as a, 2.4KM run, simple obstacle course, a mini triathalon, mud fights, jungle survival training and probably a battle royale at the end.

If there are any survivors after the orientation, they will be presented with a chest pin which will be ceremoniously hammered into their chests as a symbol of achievement for completing the gruelling orientation. - (said chest pin will have 2 sharp 3cm spikes on its back, so fear not, unless you are wearing a bullet proof vestor really really thick ermm.. under-clothes, you will be able to feel the 'honor' )

Things to note:
1) Please bring along a spare change of clothes to go home with, so that you will not be questioned for having all those blood stains on ur clothes. That said, please come in comfortable attires, girls to come in spaghetti straps and mini skirts,guys are to wear ponchos and nothing else.
2) since we will be dumping all your personal belongings in a tiny thrash bag while we torture you,do not bring valuables such as pencil cases, textbooks or lecture notes. If need be, less valuablestuffs like handphones and wallets will be kept in my pocket.
3) we will try our best to keep you alive ( so that you can endure future torture ), but sometimes it is beyond our capability, so if you have neck or back injuries, heart problems, are pregnant or simply unable to do the belt buckle on the roller coaster seat, do let the ride operators know.
